Applications from students to participate in the Health Pathway to Career project for a placement abroad.

Applications from students to participate in the Health Pathway to Career project for a placement abroad.

Attention Third year, first-cycle students: Physiotherapy, Obstetrics, Nursing, Emergency Medicine

We would like to inform you that from 28.03.2017 until 03.04.2017 applications will be accepted from students of the above-mentioned faculties: to participate in the project Health Pathway to Career for a placement abroad.

Completed and signed application documents should be submitted by 03.04.2017 to the Institute of Nursing and Obstetrics mgr Paulina Zięba room No. 9 tel. 41 349 69 03. Additional information can be obtained from the supervisor of the foreign internship mgr Elżbieta Zawierucha 537416805, e-mail:

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Projekty ze środków budżetu państwa
lub Państwowego Funduszu Celowego

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