Developing innovative, environmentally friendly fire doors



The Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce, as a partner with Doorpol J. Adamski, L. Łukawski Spółka Jawna, based in Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski, is implementing a project titled "Developing innovative, environmentally friendly fire doors.

The project is co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund as part of the Operational Programme Smart Growth 2014-2020, Measure 1.1 Enterprise R&D Projects under the POIR contract.01.01.01-00-0238/21.

The aim of the project is to develop a system solution that will result in environmentally friendly fire doors.

The environmental friendliness of the proposed solution will consist in using materials that, on the one hand, will not emit excessive amounts of gaseous, toxic debris and smoke, which is crucial for protecting the health or lives of people in the fire environment, and on the other hand, the used materials will reduce the temperature of the fire and, consequently, the dynamics of its development.

The project will result in creating a door leaf infill, intumescent seals and frame, which will be characterised by non-flammability or reduced flammability compared to currently available solutions. An important aspect of the system developed in the project will consist both in reducing the weight of the final product as well as reducing the fire risk posed by the final product (reducing toxicity and the rate of fire spread).


Implementation period – 01.07.2021 – 31.12.2023.



The project budget amounts to PLN 4 042 781.13, including:

- JKU budget: PLN 1 983 282.31

- Co-funding for JKU: PLN 1 983 282.31.

Flaga i godło Polski

Projekty ze środków budżetu państwa
lub Państwowego Funduszu Celowego

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