
Articles in refereed journals

  1. O.Osenda, F.Pont, A.Okopińska, P.Serra,
    Exact finite reduced density matrix and von Neumann entropy for the Calogero model,
    J.Phys. A 48 (2015) 485301

  2. A.Kuroś, A. Okopińska
    Entanglement Properties of the Two-Electron Quasi-One Dimensional Gaussian Quantum Dot,
    Few-Body Sys. 56 (2015) 853

  3. A.Kuroś, A. Okopińska
    Two-electron resonances in quasi-one dimensional quantum dots with Gaussian confinement,
    Int.J.Th.Phys. 54 (2015) 4164.

  4. P.Kościk, A. Okopińska
    Entanglement entropies in the ground states of helium-like atoms, ,
    Few-Body Sys. 55 (2014) 1151

  5. P.Kościk, A. Okopińska
    Correlation effects in the N-particle Moshinsky model,
    Few-Body Sys. 54 (2013) 1637.

  6. A. Kuroś, P.Kościk and A. Okopińska
    Determination of quantum mechanical resonances by the optimized spectral approach,
    J.Phys.A. 46 (2013)085303.

  7. A. Okopińska, P.Kościk
    Entanglement of Two Charged Bosons in Strongly Anisotropic Traps,
    Few-Body Sys. 54 (2013) 629.

  8. P.Kościk, A. Okopińska
    Ground-state correlation properties of charged bosons trapped in strongly anisotropic harmonic potentials,
    Eur.Phys.J.B. 85 (2012) 93.

  9. A.Kuroś, A. Okopińska,
    Reply to Comment on "Coupled anharmonic oscillators: the Rayleigh-Ritz approach versus the collocation approach",
    Phys.Scr. 83 (2011) 047004.

  10. A. Okopińska, P.Kościk,
    Correlation and entanglement in elliptically deformed quantum dots,
    Few-Body Sys.50 (2011) 413.

  11. A.Kuroś, A. Okopińska,
    Coupled anharmonic oscillators: the Rayleigh-Ritz approach versus the collocation approach,
    Phys.Scr. 83 (2011) 015003.

  12. P.Kościk, A. Okopińska,
    Two-electron entanglement in elliptically deformed quantum dots,
    Phys.Lett. A347. (2010) 3841.

  13. A. Okopińska, Entanglement and correlation measures in trapped few-particle systems,
    J.Phys.Conf.Series 213 (2010) 012004.

  14. A. Okopińska, P.Kościk
    Two-boson correlations in various one-dimensional traps ,
    Few-Body Sys. 45 (2009) 223.

  15. P.Kościk, A. Okopińska,
    Particle correlations in anisotropic traps,
    J. Opt. Adv. Mat. 10 (2008) 1732.

  16. P.Kościk, A. Okopińska,
    The optimized Rayleigh-Ritz scheme for determining the quantum-mechanical spectrum,
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 40 (2007) 10851.

  17. K.Vlachos, V. Papatheou, A. Okopińska,
    Perturbation and variational-perturbation method for the free energy of anharmonic oscillators,
    Canadian J. Phys. 85 (2007) 13.

  18. P.Kościk, A. Okopińska,
    Quasi-exact solutions for two interacting electrons in two-dimensional anisotropic dots,
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 40 (2007) 1045 (quant-ph/0607176).

  19. P.Kościk, A. Okopińska,
    Application of the Frobenius method to the Schrodinger equation for a spherically symmetric potential: anharmonic oscillator,
    J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 38 (2005) 7743(quant-ph/0512087).

  20. A. Okopińska,
    Gaussian approximation to the condensation of an interacting Bose gas,
    Laser Physics 14 , (2004) 591 (cond-mat/0309679).

  21. A. Okopińska,
    The Fokker-Planck equation for bistable potential in the optimized expansion ,
    Phys.Rev. E65 (2002) 02062101 (cond-mat/0111389).

  22. A. Okopińska,
    The optimized perturbation method for the propagation in the anharmonic oscillator potential,
    Phys.Lett. A249 (1998) 259(quant-ph/9807044).

  23. A. Okopińska,
    The finite temperature effective potential for local composite operators,
    Mod.Phys.Lett. A12 (1997) 1003 (hep-th/9704038).

  24. A. Okopińska,
    The effective action for local composite operators , Phi^2(x) and Phi^4(x),
    Int.J.Mod.Phys A12 (1997) 585 (hep-th/9606075).

  25. A. Okopińska,
    Multi-particle states from the effective action for local composite operators: anharmonic oscillator,
    Ann.Phys.(N.Y.) 249, (1996) 367 (hep-th/9512113).

  26. A. Okopińska,J.Rożynek
    The Optimized Expansion for the Nambu and Jona-Lasinio Model,
    Acta Phys.Polonica B29 (1998) 439.

  27. A. Okopińska,
    Goldstone bosons in the Gaussian approximation,,
    Phys.Lett. B 375 (1996) 213 (hep-th/9508087).

  28. K.Vlachos, A. Okopińska,
    Optimized perturbation methods for the partition function of the anharmonic oscillator,
    Phys.Lett. A 186 (1994) 375 (hep-th/9311145).

  29. A. Okopińska,
    Optimized Expansion for the Effective Action and Multi-particle States in the Scalar Quantum Field Theory,
    Ann.Phys.(N.Y.) 228 (93) 19.

  30. A. Okopińska,
    Solving Schwinger-Dyson equations by truncation in zero-dimensional scalar quantum field theory,
    Phys.Rev. D43 (1991) 3561.

  31. A. Okopińska,
    Renormalization of the scalar quantum field theory in the optimized expansion,
    Acta Phys.Polonica B20 (1989) 1033.

  32. A. Okopińska,
    Nonlinear quantum field theories at finite temperature in the optimized expansion},
    Physica A158 (1989) 64.

  33. A. Okopińska,
    Optimized expansion in quantum field theory of massive fermion field with (\bar{\psi}\psi)^2 interaction,
    Phys.Rev. D38 (1988) 2507

  34. A. Okopińska,
    Nonstandard expansion techniques for the finite temperature effective potential in \lambda\Phi^{4} quantum field theory,
    Phys.Rev. D36 (1987) 2415.

  35. A. Okopińska,
    Accurate energy levels and partition function of a quantum -mechanical anharmonic oscillator,
    Phys.Rev. D36 (1987) 1273.

  36. A. Okopińska,
    Nonstandard expansion techniques for the effective potential in \lambda\Phi^{4} quantum field theory,
    Phys.Rev. D35 (1987) 1835.

  37. A. Okopińska,
    Cosmological character of the Higgs field,
    ActaPhys.Polonica B14 (1983) 235.

Conference presentations

  1. A. Okopińska,
    Entanglement Properties of Natural and Artificial Atoms; ,
    contributed lecture, V Palestinian Conference in Modern Trends in Mathematics and Physics; Jenin; Palestyna; 30.07-2.08.2016 .

  2. A. Okopińska,
    Entanglement Properties of Natural and Artificial Atoms;
    invited lecture, International Workshop on Quantum Systems in Chemistry, Physics, and Biology (QSCP-XXI); Vancouver; Kanada; 2-9.07.2016 .

  3. A.Kuroś, A. Okopińska,
    Spectral and entanglement properties of few-particle trapped systems near autoionization threshold,
    invited lecture, 24th International Laser Physics Workshop, Shanghai, China, 21-25.08.2015 .

  4. A.Kuroś, A. Okopińska,
    Entanglement properties of two-particle quantum dots near autoionization threshold,
    invited lecture, 15th International Workshop on Pseudo-Hermitian Hamiltonians in Quantum Physics, Palermo, Italy, 18-23.05.2015 .

  5. A.Kuroś, A. Okopińska,
    Lateral confinement effect on stability of two-electron quantum dots,
    poster, 15th International Workshop on Pseudo-Hermitian Hamiltonians in Quantum Physics, Palermo, Italy, 18-23.05.2015 .

  6. A.Kuroś, A. Okopińska,
    Two-electron resonances in quasi-one dimensional quantum dots with Gaussian confinement,
    poster, Quantum Optics VII, Mar del Plata, Argentina, 27-31.10.2014 .

  7. A.Kuroś, A. Okopińska,
    Spectral and entanglement properties of the Gaussian quantum dot,
    invited lecture, 7th international workshop on Critical Stability, Santos, Brazil,12-17.10.2014 .

  8. A.Kuroś , A. Okopińska,
    Two-electron resonances in quasi-one dimensional quantum dots with Gaussian confinement,
    invited lecture, 14th International Workshop on Pseudo-Hermitian Hamiltonians in Quantum Physics, Setif, Algeria, 5-10 September, 2014 .

  9. A.Kuroś , A. Okopińska,
    Two-electron resonances in quasi-one dimensional quantum dots with Gaussian confinement,
    poster, Symmetry and Structural Properties of Condensed Matter, 1-6 September, 2014 .

  10. P.Kościk, A. Okopińska,
    Entanglement in harmonically trapped few-boson systems,
    invited lecture, Laser Physics International Workshop, LPHYS’13, July 15-19, 2013, Prague, Czech Republic.

  11. P.Kościk, A. Okopińska,
    Spatial entanglement in two-particle trapped systems,
    poster, Conference on Few-body Physics in Cold Atomic Gases, April 11-14, 2013, Beijing, China.

  12. P.Kościk, A. Okopińska,
    Correlation effects in the N-particle Moshinsky model,
    contributed lecture, 20th International IUPAP Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics (FB20), August 20-25, 2012 Fukuoka, Japan .

  13. A.Kuroś, P.Kościk, A. Okopińska,
    Determination of quantum mechanical resonances by the optimized spectral approach,
    contributed lecture, III Palestinian Conference on Modern Trends in Mathematics and Physics, July 16-18,2012, Hebron, Palestine.

  14. A. Okopińska,
    Entanglement in natural and artificial atoms and molecules,
    invited lecture, Workshop on Theoretical Chemistry, April 30- May 4,2012, Kathmandu, Nepal.

  15. A. Okopińska, P.Kościk,
    Correlation properties of few charged bosons in anisotropic traps,
    invited lecture, Sixth Workshop on Critical Stability, October 9-16,2011, Erice, Sicily.

  16. A. Okopińska, P.Kościk,
    Correlation and entanglement in elliptically deformed quantum dots,
    contributed lecture, 21st European Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics, August 29-September 3, 2010, Salamanca, Spain.

  17. A. Okopińska
    Entanglement and correlation measures in trapped few-particle systems ,
    invited lecture, X International School on Theoretical Physics Symmetry and Structural Properties of Condensed Matter’09, September 2-9, 2009, Myczkowce, Poland

  18. A. Okopińska , P.Kościk
    Entanglement characteristics of few-boson systems in multi-well traps,
    invited lecture, 18-th Laser Physics Workshop, July 13-17, 2009, Barcelona, Spain.

  19. A. Okopińska , P.Kościk
    Optimized spectral approach to quantum-mechanical problems,
    invited lecture, First International Conference on Application of Mathematics in Technical and Natural Sciences, June 22-27, 2009 Sozopol, Bulgaria.

  20. A. Okopińska , P.Kościk
    Two-boson correlations in various one-dimensional traps,
    poster, 422 WE-Heraeus Seminar Quo vadis BEC, 29.10 -3.11 2008, Bad Honnef, Germany.

  21. A. Okopińska , P.Kościk
    Two-boson correlations in various one-dimensional traps,
    invited lecture, Fifth Workshop on Critical Stability, September, 2008, Erice, Sicily.

  22. A. Okopińska , P.Kościk
    Particle correlations in anisotropic traps,
    Exotic States in Materials with Strongly Correlated Electrons, September 7-10, 2007, Sinaia, Romania.

  23. A. Okopińska,
    A systematic approximation scheme for the density functional of an interacting Bose gas,
    invited lecture, Ruperto Carola Symposion on Ultracold Quantum Gases, July 18-20, 2007, Heidelberg.

  24. A. Okopińska,
    Kohn-Sham approximation scheme for interacting many-boson system,
    poster, Optimized Effective Potential 2005, March 11-13, 2005, Berlin, Germany.

  25. A. Okopińska,
    Kohn-Sham approximation scheme for cold trapped bosons,
    invited lecture, 14-th Laser Physics Workshop, July 4-8, 2005, Kyoto.

  26. A. Okopińska,
    Density functional for bosons,
    poster, Time Dependent Density Functional Theory 2004, September 7-12, 2004, Benasque,Spain.

  27. A. Okopińska,
    Approximations to the density functional for interacting bosons,
    invited lecture, 13-th Laser Physics Workshop, July 12-16, 2004, Trieste.

  28. A. Okopińska,
    Density Functional as a Legendre transform,
    Pomeranian Workshop on Quantum Chemistry and Physics, May 2004, Pobierowo.

  29. A. Okopińska,
    Gaussian approximation to the condensation of an interacting Bose gas,
    invited lecture, 12-th Laser Physics Workshop, August 25-29, 2003, Hamburg.

  30. A. Okopińska,
    Bose-Einstein condensation of interacting atoms in the optimized expansion,
    invited lecture, 11-th Laser Physics Workshop, July 1-5, 2002, Bratislava.

  31. A. Okopińska,
    Optimized expansion for stochastic processes,
    invited lecture, Similarity in Diversity, May 2002, Buffalo,
    in Similarity in Diversity, Nova Science, New York 2003, pp 362, 189.

  32. A. Okopińska,
    Optimized Expansion,
    BK21 Tutorial Lectures, Inst.of Physics & Applied Physics, Yonsei University, Seul 2001.

  33. A. Okopińska,
    Optimized Expansion for Density Matrix,
    StatPhys, Third Tohwa Univ. Int. Conf., ed.M.Tokuayma and H.Stanley, AIP Conf.Proc. 519 (2000).

  34. A. Okopińska,
    Effective action for local composite operators,
    in: Path Integrals from peV to TeV: 50 years after Feynman's paper ed.R.Casalbuoni et al., WS, Singapore 1999, 315.

  35. J.Rożynek , A. Okopińska,
    Nambu and Jona-Lasinio model beyond Hartree approximation,
    in: Path Integrals from peV to TeV: 50 years after Feynman's paper, ed.R.Casalbuoni et al., WS, Singapore 1999, 335.

  36. A. Okopińska,
    Optimized expansion for the effective action in quantum field theory,
    in: Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Many-Body Physics, Coimbra 1993, ed. C.Fiolhais et al., WS, Singapore 1994, 281.

  37. A. Okopińska,
    Nonlinear quantum field theories in the optimized expansion,
    Workshop on Thermal Field Theories, Cleveland 1988.

  38. A. Okopińska,
    Nonlinear quantum field theories in the optimized expansion,
    Landau Memorial Conference, Tel Aviv 1988.

  39. A. Okopińska,
    Optimized Perturbation Series in QFT,
    Proc. of VIII Warsaw Symposium on Elementary Particle Phys.,
    Kazimierz 1985, ed. by Z.Ajduk, p.217.