Circles of Innovation

Circles of Innovation


Overall objective of the project: To develop sustainable forms of cooperation in the region, creating integrated tools for the transfer of modern knowledge and technology between the R&D sector and enterprises in the innovative specialisations of the region

The specific objective of the task carried out by the JKU is the Internationalisation of "Circles" during the project period through the creation of a Competence Centre for International Cooperation and the initiation of PL-EU cooperation in the implementation of international support projects.


  1. 1. Establishment of the Centre of Competence for International Cooperation as a knowledge base for the Circles of Innovation and other circles in the region in the context of cooperation and international programmes.
  2. 2. Animating cooperation between regional institutions to improve existing and create new tools and forms of knowledge and technology transfer to companies.
  3. 3. Internationalisation of "Circles".


Industry and event meetings bringing together representatives of the circles in the region. Risk identification will be used to diagnose and analyse the needs, opportunities and possible negative impacts of the actions taken under the objective. Clarifying expectations, current data and opportunities for EU funding and partners.

Talks with scientists, BEIs clarifying doubts, clarifying expectations and up-to-date data and opportunities for obtaining EU funds and partners, Presentation of good practices and gains from PL-EU cooperation.


  1. 1. Organisation of the CECM - dedicated to the establishment of a formal structure and venue, media coverage, establishment of an International Cooperation Working Group, study tour.
  1. 2. Action plan of the CECM - collection of good organisational practices of centres supporting international activity, development of an action plan and organisation of an international cooperation seminar in the province.
  1. 3. Animation of cooperation and promotion in international forums - organisation of activities for institutions from the region , organisation of 4. INFO-DAY" and seminars on the topics of finding opportunities for partner participation in international projects and managing international research projects.


  1. Package of advanced services for international cooperation - strengthening of specific initiatives for involvement in international projects, use of experienced experts - consulting/coaching in the preparation of international projects (external experts), organisation of PL, EU away missions, participation in ERRIN international network of regions, organisation of seminars (experts, rooms, accommodation).


The project was implemented in the period: from 01.09.2011 to 30.06.2013.

The project has been completed.



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