Modern constitutions as a factor constituting the contemporary identification of Poles and Spaniards




Task name:
Modern constitutions as a factor constituting constitutive the contemporary identification of Poles and Spaniards.

PLN 473 059.00

Total value:
PLN 473 059.00

Task description:
At the level of basic research, the aim of the project is to present the Polish achievements in introducing into scientific circulation issues related to the first Spanish Constitution, promulgated in Cadiz on 19 March 1812. The implementers aim to present the nature, shape, and principles on which the Constitution of 1812 was based, as well as the political and social conditions in which it was drafted, and the people who created it. Moreover, the research aims to trace the fate of the Act and its place in the theory and practice of Spanish constitutionalism in the nineteenth century. A comparison of the conditions for creating the Polish and Spanish initial Basic Law is also provided. The lack of a monographic study devoted to the first Spanish Constitution resulted in that there has been no immediate impulse to date, constituting a starting point for a proper comparative analysis of the two Constitutions – the Spanish Constitution and the 3rd May Constitution. At the level of advanced research, questions of contemporary political and social perception of the two Basic Laws will remain in the main field of interest. The manner of perceiving the two Constitutions is closely linked to the question concerning their permanence and impermanence as a national symbol, which over time became a cultural code for both societies. And finally, the last issue remains the use of commemorations of successive anniversaries in the communication between political elites and social macro-structures.

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