

The configuration must meet the following conditions:

  1. Incoming mail server address: ujk.edu.pl
  2. Outgoing mail server address: ujk.edu.pl
  3. The user name may not contain capital letters and Polish diacritical marks.
  4. The user has an email address in the form: imie.nazwisko@ujk.edu.pl. The address must not contain Polish diacritical marks. The address is not case-sensitive (forenames and surnames can begin with either upper or lower case letters).
  5. Incoming POP3/IMAP connections require SSL to be enabled.
  6. An outgoing SMTP connection requires TLS (STARTTLS) to be enabled.
  7. An outgoing SMTP connection requires PLAIN or LOGIN authentication to be enabled.
  8. Incoming mail port number: 995 (for POP3) or 993 (for IMAP).
  9. Outgoing mail port number: 587.
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