Announcement No. 12/2020 of the Rector of Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce Of May 21 2020

Announcement No. 12/2020


of the Rector of  Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce

of May 21 2020


On the possibility of taking personal belongings left in the student homes of  students of Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce by persons who left it in connection with the spread of coronavirus SARS-CoV-2


I kindly inform you that people interested I collecting personal belongings left behind in UJK dorms will be able to do so after they have signed up for specific day and time from May 25th to 31st. The registration will be made by e-mail or phone from May 31st of this year. Contact information for the administration of  Dormitory Service Section are available on the website:

Personal belongings will be collected according to the following rules:

1). working days from Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 2p.m. in accordance to the appointment details;

2). No more than 25 persons planning to collect their personal belongings can enter student home during one day;

3). During the process everyone is obliged  to wear gloves and mask, as well as keep  a safe distance from other persons (i.e. min. 2m);

4).The person collecting personal belongings is obliged to take all her/his stuff from the room and settle accounts with the Home Service Section: make possible payments, take of the bed linen,  check out. In case of an overpayment for the dorm the payed funds will be returned to the account indicated by the person leaving the dormitory. During the arrival for the collection of personal items there will be no possibility to stay overnight in any of the UJK student homes.    



of the Jan Kochanowski University of Kielce

prof. dr hab. Jacek Semaniak



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