University open to the needs of persons with disabilities


„Accessibility of academic spaces for persons with disabilities”

Training objective:

Raising the awareness of disability issues among employees, familiarising with
basic knowledge concerning the functioning of persons with disabilities.

Training topics:

The full training cycle includes 2 days (groups of 10-12 people):

Day one (theoretical) - introduction to the subject of disability, becoming familiar
with the legal regulations, learning about the various types of disabilities and the special needs arising from them.

Second day (practical) – personally experiencing selected dysfunctions, facing the barriers that persons with disabilities face on a daily basis, receiving knowledge on how to provide support, respond in crisis situations, how to adapt teaching materials to take into account the specific needs arising from various types of disabilities.

Training organised in terms of the project University Open to the needs of persons
with disabilities, co-funded by the European Social Fund
in terms of the Operational Program Knowledge Education Development 2014-2020, Priority Axis III Higher Education for the Economy and Development, Measure 3.5 Comprehensive university programs under contract No. POWR.03.05.00-00-A023/19 concluded with the National Centre for Research and Development.


Participation application:

Application for participation in the project is made by submitting an application form (attachment no. 1) at the determined recruitment date for given training courses. A scan or photo of the completed form should be sent to:

Employees qualified for training are required to complete Participant Declarationand Participant Statement. All documents listed above should be delivered in paper form to the Support Centre for Persons with Disabilities ul. Śląska 11 A


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