Financial reporting training in universities.


Recruitment for the project 'NEW PERSPECTIVES of developing Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce' – training of managerial and administrative staff


We would like to inform you that during the period from 07.12.2018 to 11.12.2018 applications for the project 'NEW PERSPECTIVES for the development of Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce –Training on financial reporting in higher education institutions' will be accepted.

Training addressees: Chancellor, Bursar, Accounting Department staff

Detailed recruitment criteria can be found in the Rules of the project:

'NEW PERSPECTIVES of developing Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce'
in terms of the managerial and administrative staff participation in training.

Training objective: increase of competence.

Training topics: Financial reporting in higher education institutions for 2018

Date and place of training: 17-18.12.2018, Skomielna Czarna


Completed and signed application forms should be delivered to: Chancellor's Secretariat


If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us

Aleksandra Pisarska, PhD - Coordinator, Room 3



- Application form

- Statement

- Declaration


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