Training "Accessibility of academic spaces for persons with disabilities"

We sincerely invite you to participate in the training "Accessibility of academic spaces for persons with disabilities".

The aim of the training is to increase the awareness and knowledge of web and digital content developers, administrators, and editors in terms of preparing materials that are accessible to people at risk of digital exclusion due to their special needs. The training will present the principles and guidelines for web content based on: Act of 4 April 2019 on digital accessibility of websites and mobile apps of public entities and the Act on ensuring accessibility for persons with special needs of 19 July 2019.

The training is scheduled on: 17 November, 24 November, and 1 December 2020 in remote mode.

Due to the epidemiological situation, dates are subject to change.

Those interested in participating in the training are asked to send completed application forms (Attachment 1) to:

Training organised as part of the Project University open to the needs of persons with disabilities, co-funded by the European Social Fund as part of the Knowledge Education Development 2014-2020 Operational Programme, Priority Axis III Higher Education for the Economy and Development, Measure 3.5 Comprehensive programmes of higher education institutions on the basis of agreement no POWR.03.05.00-00-A023/19 concluded with the National Centre for Research and Development.

Application form

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