Fundacja Kościuszkowska

Fundacja Kościuszkowska

Fundacja Kościuszkowska Polska started its activities in Poland on 16 March, 2011.

Founded in 1925 Fundacja Kościuszkowska aims to deepen ties between Poland and the United States through educational programmes and cultural and scientific exchanges. For scholarships and grants for Polish and American students, scholars, professionals and artists and the promotion of Polish culture in America, the Foundation allocates approximately $1 million annually. By awarding scholarships, it creates a field of activity for those Poles who can influence the course of history.

Fundacja Kościuszkowska scholarship recipients included, among others, Leszek Balcerowicz, Norman Davies, Juliusz Jan Machulski, General Ed Rowny, Magdalena Abakanowicz, Senator Marek Ziółkowski, Franciszek Starowieyski. The Foundation is a place that has hosted such eminent personalities as Cardinal Karol Wojtyla, before he became Pope John Paul II, Czesław Miłosz, Jan Karski, Władysław Bartoszewski and Maria Kaczyńska.

Scholarships for Poles:
The deadline for applications in Warsaw and New York is the same every year: by 15 October.

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