DAAD - German Academic Exchange Service

DAAD - German Academic Exchange Service

DAAD is a joint organisation of German universities. It supports contacts between German universities and universities abroad through the exchange of students and researchers and by implementing international programmes and projects. DAAD is also an intermediary organisation for the foreign cultural and educational policy of the Federal Republic of Germany.
In addition to individual scholarships for research and study stays in Germany, the DAAD offers a whole range of programmes to support cooperation between Polish and German universities. This cooperation supports both the exchange of students and research staff and the implementation of joint projects. Applications for support are generally submitted to the DAAD headquarters in Germany. Formally, the applicant is the German partner, i.e. a university or research institute.
Information on scholarships for Poles can be found at: http://www.daad.pl/pl/09203/index.html
It is worth noting not only study or research stays, but also group travel grants to Germany for Polish student groups.
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