Meetings of the Chiral Group  (WS 2008/2009)









16 October

Tomas Brauner

Thermodynamics of the O(N) model in the 1/N expansion

30 October


Werner Deinet


Nucleon-nucleon scattering within a linear sigma model

13 November

Denis Parganlija

La test results of the sigma models with vector and axial-vector mesons

27 November

Stanislaus Janowski

Embedding the dilaton into a generalized sigma models with vector mesons


11 December

Tatyana Galatyuk

Nucleon-nucleon scattering   with photon emission

15 January

Tatyana Galatyuk

(Part II)


In this meeting members of the chiral group under the coordination of Prof. Dr. D. Rischke (Frankfurt University, Institute of theoretical Physics) present their latest results. The (usually blackboard) presentations  aim to discuss problems and relevant topics in the field of hadronic physics. The meeting takes place since WS08/09 on each second Thursday  at 13:30 up to 15:00  in the room  02.120.


Sommer Semester 2008

Winter Semester 2007/2008


Sommer Semester 2007


