GL auber  I nitial  S tate  S imulation  AND  m O re

Wojciech Broniowski, Maciej Rybczyński, Grzegorz Stefanek, Piotr Bożek

Jan Kochanowski University, Kielce; Institute of Nuclear Physics PAN, Cracow; AGH University of Science and Technology, Cracow

Current version (3.44)
Previous versions
  GLISSANDO is a versatile Monte-Carlo generator for Glauber-like models of the initial stages of ultra-relativistic heavy-ion collisions, written in c++ and interfaced to ROOT. Version 3 of GLISSANDO incorporates the wounded quark model, which is phenomenologically successful in reproducing multiplicities of particle production at RHIC and the LHC. Within this model, one can study the nucleon substructure fluctuation effects, recently explored in p-A collisions. In addition, the code includes the possibility of investigating collisions of light nuclei, such as 3He and 3H, or the α-clustered 7,9Be, 12C, and 16O, where the deformation of the intrinsic wave function influences the transverse shape of the initial state. The current version, being down-compatible, retains the functionality of the previous releases, such as incorporation of various variants of Glauber-like models, a smooth NN inelasticity profile in the impact parameter obtained from a parametrization of experimental data, fluctuating strength of the entropy deposition, or realistic nuclear distributions of heavy nuclei with deformation. The code can provide output in the format containing the event-by-event source location, which may be further used in modeling the intermediate evolution phase, e.g., with hydrodynamics or transport models. The interface is simplified, such that in the control input file the user may supply only the very basic information, such as the collision energy, the mass numbers of the colliding nuclei, and the model type. GLISSANDO 3 is integrated with the CERN ROOT platform. The package includes numerous illustrative and useful ROOT scripts to compute and plot various results.

Version 3 of GLISSANDO offers much more functionality than version 2, moreover, it is fully object-oriented, providing the user with the flexibility of inspecting and, if needed, modyfying the code in a simple manner. The new features include:
  • State-of-the art nucleon-nucleon inelastic cross sections and their impact-parameter profiles,
  • Implementation of the wounded quark (in general, wounded parton) model,
  • Possibility of colliding 3H, 3He, 4He, 12C, and 16O with the distributions from external files,
  • Inclusion of α-clustered structure of 7,9Be, 12C, and 16O nuclei,
  • Possibility of studying the effect of the proton fluctuations in the framework of the wounded quark model.
The full write-up of version 3 is available at [arXiv:1901.04484].
The code can be freely used and redistributed. However, if you decide to make modifications, the authors would appreciate notification for the record.
Any publication or display of results obtained using GLISSANDO must include a reference to our published papers: version 1, version 2, and version 3.
Preprints: version 1, version 2, and version 3.

The code in the version (3.44) works also for macOS catalina with root_v6.20.0.
(Last modified: June 11, 2020)

This work was supported by Polish National Science Centre grants 2015/17/B/ST2/00101 (PB), 2015/19/B/ST2/00937 (WB), and 2016/23/B/ST2/00692 (MR).